It is exciting to see all of the Great Basin plants coming to life and sharing their beauty with the world. As the world wakes up around me, my work here has begun to increase at an alarming rate. The increase of work is fantastic! If I am not in the field doing a drought assessment, grazing utilization, rare plant survey or an outreach event; I am in the office keying out plants, working on GIS projects or keeping up with all the data entry. Soon the workload will increase as the blooming plants begin to produce seeds, as SOS collections begins so will fire rehab monitoring. Intermixed with all of this work we have had many unique training opportunities. We are have had pesticide applications training, GIS training, CPR training and MIMS training. It is hard to believe that I have only been here for three months and have learned so much. I am excited to see what new learning opportunities will present themselves in the months to come.